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About your session- F.A.Q's

If you are wondering how a session operates, the process of what happens from when we book your date to when you will be receiving your images, this section will walk you through the different stages of a session.

Also what is expected of both parties during these sessions time. 

Booking your session:

Booking your session is an easy process.

Firstly, we start by a phone-call, e-mail, text or even a simple Facebook/IG message.

During our conversations we will cover things such as what type of session you're wanting,

discuss the different package options, and PRICING. 


Once we have finalized what session and package you would like to go with, we decide on the date that works best.

There is a $50.00 non-refundeable deposit is required for regular session(s) 

 $100.00 for the Signature #bathtubseries, which can be paid via EMT - Email Money Transfer. 

Once the payment has been received, your date is secured!

Please note: Full payment is always expected before,  or on the date of session. (Less the deposit)

Preparing for your session:

When preparing for your session you should make sure you have a few choice

items with you to make you more comfortable.

Depending on what time of session, whether it's an Indoor Studio Session,

or an Outdoor Location Session, being prepared is key!!

Regardless of weather, you should bring any item(s) which reflect who YOU are, 

what you hold dear to your heart (if its applicable with your type of session) this could include family memorabilia, jewelry, meaningful toys for

your children, an accessory piece, or something that screams "this is me!".

Also if you're wanting your images on a USB Flash Drive, be sure to bring it to your session. [ Min. 8gb ]

Some items that are helpful:

Body Lotion, Makeup for any touch ups you make require, can never have to much lip gloss!!

Hair spray, towel, housecoat, WATER, bug repellent, sunscreen & snacks to list a few.

Most importantly, relax. 


During your session:

We meet at the location at the set time and after a few minutes, jump into your session. 

By this point, you should know what you're wearing, and it's just putting the last pieces together.

This is where we will work together, to create your images. Biggest thing is to be relaxed! 

Also, if you want to bring any inspirational poses to our shoot...that is completely okay with me.

Together we will pose, and position you so that you're relaxed & comfortable. 


After your session:

After your session I will email you when you can be expecting your images. Turnaround is quick, no more then 2 weeks before you will receive your direct link to your private online gallery via email. At this time

I will provide you with your password to review your session,

 then you're able to select your choices for editing. 


Editing is 'basic' with colour corrections (brightness/contrast), blemish removal, sharpness adjustments, cropping

A basic edit does NOT mean I can make your breasts or arse larger/smaller, or skin off inches from your waist. 

The larger edits will be charged according to each image request.


Receiving your images:

When you have chosen the images you would like to have included in your session, you have several options;

1.) Emailing via secure website - quality not compromised 

2.) Personalized USB Thumb drive mailed

3.) If you provided myself with a USB Flash Drive your images will be transferred onto it, and ready for p/u.

You shall receive your USB no more then 4 weeks from date of the photo session.


Your USB will also include web optimized copies of several edits with watermark due to copyright when using for public/online purposes. You are free to print the images on the USB thumb drive from any retailer however I recommend using professional printing services, as I do NOT guarantee the outcome of the image(s).

*Prices are subjected to change however WILL never change from mutually agreed session fee

© Sonia Photography 2021


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